

Basic Hospital Information Management Application

Bhima is a free, open source accounting and hospital information management system (HIMS) tailored for rural hospitals in Africa. We are an international team based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

» Home / Stock Management / Depots


Since the stock in a Depot orginally comes from a supplier, the available Suppliers must be configured before creating purchase orders for stock from suppliers. To create a supplier:

menu > Administration > Supplier Management
⇒ Opens a registry of known Suppliers and allows editing existing Suppliers and creating new ones

To edit an existing supplier, click on the Actions link on the far right of the line with the supplier you wish to edit and click on the “Edit” link.

To create a new Supplier, click on the [Add A Supplier] button on the top right. Most of the form entries are self-explanatory. The “Group” field offers you a list of pre-configured creditor groups to choose from; click on the one that is related to the supplier in creation for the to select. Finally, click on the blue “Submit” button at the bottom right of the form to confirm the configuration and create the supplier. A message will be shown to indicate success or to explain errors in the form needing correction.