

Basic Hospital Information Management Application

Bhima is a free, open source accounting and hospital information management system (HIMS) tailored for rural hospitals in Africa. We are an international team based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

» Home / Inventory Management / Stock Settings

Stock Settings

There are a number of settings that affect how the BHIMA software deals with stock management. To check and update the settings, one goes to the “Stock Settings” page (under the “Stock” folder):

menu > Stock > Stock Settings
   Stock Settings Page
⇒ Opens a page for editing the settings that apply to all stocks

If you do not see the “Stock Settings” menu item, consult your system adminstrator. You need to be given permission to access that page.

AMC - Average Monthly Consumption

For the following Stock Setting options, the term “AMC” is used. It represents “Average Monthy Consumption” of consumable stock. AMC is the total number of stock items dispensed on average to patients and services for the facility involved. AMC is an important value that used to estimate when to order more stock.

Individual Stock Settings

The Stock Settings page allows access to the following items: